In The Know

Winkler Partners releases translation of Taiwan Trademark Act

To celebrate the INTA's 2012 Annual Meeting starting in Washington DC Saturday, Winkler Partners is pleased to release its translation of the Taiwan Trademark Act to…

May 3, 2012

Draft revisions to Taiwan Trademark Act Enforcement Rules

With the recent amendments to Taiwan’s Trademark Act set to enter into force on 1 July 2012, the Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO) is amending…

May 1, 2012

INTA Asia Roundtable in Taipei: IP Court Decisions on Evidence of Use

Associates Betty Chen and Jesimy Yu  participated in a Taipei INTA Roundtable co-hosted by the INTA Asia Roundtables Project Team and St. Island International Patent &…

April 30, 2012

Translations of Taiwan securities laws and regulations updated

The following updated translations by Winkler Partners were recently published on Taiwan's official portal for securities-related laws and regulations: GreTai Securities Market Rules Governing Bond Repurchase…

April 26, 2012

Securities litigation in Taiwan: the Securities and Futures Investors Protection Center

The Securities Investors and Futures Traders Protection Act (the Act) took effect in January 2003. The Securities and Futures Investors Protection Center (the Center) was…

April 23, 2012

Recent developments in Taiwan competition law on price fixing

The Taiwan Fair Trade Commission has responded to concerns about rising consumer prices by more vigorously enforcing the anti-price fixing provisions of the Fair Trade…

April 19, 2012

Amendments to long-delayed data protection law proposed

The Chinese-language United Daily News is reporting that the Ministry of Justice sent a bill to amend the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) to the…

April 17, 2012

Winkler Partners ranked as top 30 Asia IP firm

Asia Intellectual Property Rankings 2012 has identified Winkler Partners as one of the top 30 IP firms in Asia. Winkler Partners is the only independent…

April 16, 2012

Taiwan’s Financial Ombudsman Institution

Taiwan's Financial Consumer Protection Act (FCPA) came into force on 30 December 2011. Background The Financial Ombudsman Institution (FOI) was established under the Act as…

April 13, 2012

Trade Secrets Act update: meeting at NSC this Friday (13 April)

The Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO) announced today that it has completed a preliminary draft of its amendments to the Trade Secrets Act and that…

April 11, 2012

Taiwan to increase criminal penalties for trade secret infringement

The Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO) has announced plans to add criminal penalties to the Trade Secrets Act. Currently, the Act permits victims of trade…

April 9, 2012

Translations of Taiwan securities laws and regulations updated

The following updated translations by Winkler Partners were recently published on Taiwan's official portal for securities-related laws and regulations: Regulations Governing Responsible Persons and Associated…

March 30, 2012

Chambers Asia Pacific 2012 on WP

The Chambers Asia Pacific 2012 Guide's Taiwan Section recognizes partner Chen Hui-ling as "providing cutting edge advice to international reinsurers and insurers. Peter Dernbach meanwhile…

March 19, 2012

Amendments to Taiwan Company Act expand director liability

Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan enacted a bill revising 10 articles of the Company Act and adding three others at the end of 2011. The bill imposed…

March 1, 2012

Taiwan's Data Privacy Mark

Partner Chen Hui-ling describes Taiwan's progress toward launching a data privacy protection mark in the February issue of  Privacy Laws & Business. The report may…

February 21, 2012

Number of Taiwanese lawyers increases

The number of lawyers in Taiwan increased significantly in 2011 as a record 964 candidates passed the bar exam. Despite a population of 23 million…

February 16, 2012