A new positive patent examination program for startups
Lack of funds and tangible assets is a common problem for startups, and one which often proves fatal. To address this issue, Taiwan began promoting…

Exploring statistics at the Taiwan Intellectual Property Court: part III civil litigation
In this part of our report (previous parts one and two are here), we look at civil judgments rendered by the Intellectual Property Court (“IP Court”) and analyze statistics…

Enforcing foreign judgments in Taiwan
In June 2020, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit affirmed a U.S. $439 million judgment against Taiwan-based technology company Quanta Storage…

WP represents a third of the world’s biggest brands for a fifth year running
Interbrand has released its 100 Best Global Brands list for 2020. Winkler Partners represents a third of the brands that made the list for this…

PRC investment in Taiwan – things you need to know
Due to the complicated political relationship between the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”) and the Republic of China (“Taiwan”), Taiwan authorities subject investments from…

How Taiwan’s TAICCA is supporting creative industries
Taiwan Creative Content Agency (TAICCA) is a new government institute under the Ministry of Culture aimed at catalyzing the development of Taiwan’s cultural and creative…

Five important issues to consider when investing in or partnering with Taiwanese companies
Whether forming a joint venture company with a Taiwan partner or making an investment in an existing Taiwan company, we strongly recommend clients give careful…

Exploring statistics at the Taiwan Intellectual Property Court: part II litigation
After taking a look at the caseload of Taiwan’s Intellectual Property Court (“IP Court”) in part one, we now focus on the number of litigation cases…

An update on Taiwan’s regulatory fintech sandbox
The regulatory sandbox was set up in Taiwan two years ago. The Financial Supervisory Committee (FSC) announced that since then, there have been 13 applications…

Exploring statistics at the Taiwan Intellectual Property Court: part I overview
Since its inception in 2008, the Intellectual Property Court (“IP Court”) has heard thousands of civil, criminal and administrative actions concerning Intellectual Property Rights (“IPR”).…

#Metoo Taiwan: how to handle sexual harassment cases at work
The #Metoo movement has increased people’s awareness of sexual harassment in the workplace. By law, companies have an obligation to create safe work environments and…