The first two databases listed are public and bilingual. Both have English pages with links to translations of many of Taiwan’s statutes, regulations, and judgments. The third, Lawbank, is a commercial service but deserves special mention because it also includes a searchable collection of administrative letters of interpretation (Chinese only) and English translations of varying quality unavailable elsewhere.
Some other web pages providing translations of Taiwanese laws in specific areas are listed below. It should be noted the home pages of most Taiwan’s government agencies provide English translations of selected key laws and regulations in the agency’s jurisdiction. The new National Immigration Agency and the Council of Labor Affairs are important examples.
- Capital markets law
- Intellectual property law
- Competition law
- Environmental law
- Business and industrial law
- Banking law
- Tax law
- Insurance law
The primary and centralized source for new laws, regulations, and administrative acts and decrees is the Executive Yuan Gazette Online. While the full announcements are only available in Chinese, their abstracts are expertly translated and updated every weekday.
Written September 15, 2007 By Paul Cox.