
WP Contributes to Taiwan Chapter in Practical Law’s Employment Guide

Our Partner, Christine Chen, contributed to the Taiwan chapter of Practical Law’s Employment and Employee Benefits Global Guide. The 2024 edition...

April 16, 2024

Legal Update: Amendment to the Personal Data Protection Act

Due to the rampant rise of scams and fraud in recent years, the Executive Yuan has responded by publishing version 1.5 of the government’s next-gene...

March 26, 2024

Legal Update: Amendment to the Gender Equality in Employment Act Establishes More Robust Complaint System

At the end of May 2023, Taiwan’s #MeToo movement erupted because of several incidents of workplace sexual harassment. This revealed that the supervi...

March 8, 2024

Update on Taiwan’s Minimum Wage for 2024

Beginning 1 January 2024, the minimum wage will be adjusted from TWD26,400 to TWD27,470 (c. USD 859) per month. The rate of increase is around 4.05%. ...

September 12, 2023
Taipei Taiwan Landscape

Legal Update: Taiwan Relaxes Criteria for Hiring Foreigners

Under the Qualifications and Criteria Standards for foreigners undertaking the jobs specified under Article 46.1.1 to 46.1.6 of the Employment Service...

September 7, 2023

What You Should Know About the Labor-Management Conference in Taiwan

What is the Labor-Management Conference and why should you care? The Labor-Management Conference (“the Conference”) is a formal assembly of labor...

April 14, 2023

Update on the Minimum Wage for 2023

The Executive Yuan ratified and passed a proposal to adjust the minimum wage, beginning 1 January 2023, from TWD25,250 to TWD26,400 (c. USD 865) per...

September 6, 2022

Taiwan introduces new health and safety rules for night workers

Taiwan’s Ministry of Labor issued The Guidelines of Occupational Safety and Health for the Night Shift (the "Guidelines") after several high-profile...

January 3, 2022