
Electronic signatures in Taiwan

Signing a document is the most common way to indicate that a party accepts the terms and conditions of an agreement, acknowledges consent, or attests ...

July 23, 2021

Franchising in Taiwan: governing law

In our previous article we took a look at obtaining preliminary injunctions in Taiwan. Now, we turn to governing law. Governing law and dispute reso...

June 29, 2021

New developments in Taiwan’s electronic payment market – what you need to know

This is a translation of the original Mandarin Chinese article by Yi-Kai Chen and Christine Chen, which can be found here. Translation by Paul Cox. ...

June 18, 2021

Franchising in Taiwan: preliminary injunctions

In Part I and Part II of this series of articles we discussed the need to take the common sense precautions of registering any applicable intellec...

May 18, 2021

Franchising in Taiwan: due diligence

As in our first installment of this series of articles on franchising in Taiwan, in this second installment we are going to focus on basic common sens...

March 22, 2021

Franchising in Taiwan: protecting your trademarks

Franchising arrangements are essentially just a specialized form of intellectual property license. A franchisor, or rights owner, licenses its intelle...

March 8, 2021

Impact investing in Taiwan

Impact investing challenges the traditional view that (i) social and environmental issues are best solved through philanthropy and government policy a...

November 12, 2020

PRC investment in Taiwan – things you need to know

Due to the complicated political relationship between the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”) and the Republic of China (“Taiwan”), Taiwa...

September 29, 2020