Firm News

Taiwan’s Personal Information Protection Act: one year on

After nearly two years of delay, Taiwan's Personal Information Protection Act took effect in October 2012. Partner Chen Hui-ling contributed this anal...

February 18, 2014

Winkler Partners in World Trademark 1000

The Winkler Partners trademark practice has been included in the 2014 edition of World Trademark 1000. Peter Dernbach was noted as a leading tradem...

February 7, 2014

Peter Dernbach on Taiwan’s new exclusionary measures against patent infringing goods

The World Intellectual Property Review recently interviewed WP's Peter Dernbach on Taiwan's new border interdiction measures for goods infringing on T...

January 13, 2014

Robin Winkler quoted in Forbes

Managing partner Robin Winkler was recently quoted by Forbes Asia in a comment on the environmental documentary "Beyond Beauty: Taiwan From Above."  ...

December 19, 2013

International experts: immediately end fisheries bycatch to save Taiwan’s pink dolphins

Endangered Species Research has published "Impacts of fisheries on the Critically Endangered humpback dolphin Sousa chinensis population in the easte...

December 6, 2013

Legal 500 Asia Pacific names WP top-tier insurance firm

For the second year in a row, Legal 500 Asia Pacific has recommended Winkler Partners as a top-tier firm in insurance. Led by Chen Hui-ling, our insur...

November 5, 2013

Winkler Partners reduces carbon footprint

Our firm has recently reduced our carbon footprint! Between 3 June 2013 and 4 August 2013, we achieved a 20% year on year decrease in energy consumpti...

September 27, 2013

Peter Dernbach appointed WIPO panelist

Peter Dernbach, head of the firm's IP practice, has been appointed as a domain name dispute resolution panelist by the World Intellectual Property Org...

February 7, 2013